Monday, May 28, 2012

A Day in Wagga Wagga

Day 6:

A sale proceeding at the Wagga Wagga Livestock Marketing Centre

I was very excited to visit the Wagga Wagga Livestock Marketing Centre this morning and get a glimpse into the flow of the beef and sheep industry. It is very different from the United States so I will try and summarize as understandably as possible. The cattle are initial bought from the producer through agents and then brought to the livestock market to be sold to another agent or to the abattoir. Cattle prices are very different here as well. The auctioneer ( whom doesn't chant bids but simply speaks what recurrent bid is) sells on a cents per kilogram basis, which when converted was roughly 85 cents per pound from what portion I saw today. They sell around 1200 head of cattle every Monday and 35,000 sheep every Thursday, which winds up being about 500 head of cattle an hour. The Wagga Wagga facility is older and operates somewhat differently than others in Australia because they allow livestock to be brought in up to 3 hours before the sale where it's neighboring centre is 12 and charge approximately a 4.5% commission compared to 3% in other locations. Next we traveled across the road to the Tey's Abattoir. I found it fascinating that they actually have an underground trail that enables them to herd the cattle purchased at Wagga Wagga directly to the abattoir, although they only buy a small portion of their production from there. The location we visited today was originally owned by Cargill untilSeptember of this year when the two companies merged making them more geographically optimal (Cargill owning many facilities in Victoria and New South Wales and Tey's being dominant in Queensland. We unfortunately did not get as detailed a tour as in their main competitor JBS, but from what I did see it was a much more Americanized plant with a more functional layout, probably due to the newer structure and original owners being Cargill. Summing up the day, we visited the Jindalee feedlot owned and operated by Tey's. They can have up to 30,000 head but are limited due to their water source. They are a very similar operation to those in the United States with some differences being only 100 days on feed and a lack of feed additives due to legality reasons.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sheep, Emus, and Shorthorns

Day 5:

We headed to the Trigger Vale White Suffolk and Merino farm bright and early this morning. Andrew Bouffler was a very intelligent man that had obviously spent a lot of time educating himself on the "super" breed that he is looking to produce. He is currently crossing Merino ewes with White Suffolk rams. He puts a large amount of emphasis on the statistics of his sheep with very specific goals to ensure that they will survive even in the worst conditions. His ewes are expected to produce seven kilos of wool while still milking and maintaining their own body condition with a fat score of a four preferably.

The Bouffler family and new addition

Marston's emus during breeding
 Following this visit we went to the emu farm owned by Ian and Marilyn Marston. This was definitely a learning experience because my previous knowledge of mud was very limited. I did learn that the oil from the birds was the majority of income from the business with a $5 payment for every kilo produced and each emu providing roughly 10 kilos. The hatching process is also different from most birds because the eggs are guaranteed infertile it kept at a temperature above 40 degrees and require approximately 53 days to hatch.

A few of Spry's yearlings
Concluding our day we visited the Ardlui Shorthorn Stud ranch of the Spry family. This was an impressive place to visit because it is so closely ran. Once again the primary focus of this operation is survive in conditions that are less than optimal. Mr. Spry does very well here in Australia with a 2 year old bull having just won the Sydney Royal show and a yearling being sold for 45,000. This was a great location to see and the hospitality was much more than expected.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lawson and Lima Park Ranches

Day 4:

Lawson's Angus cattle
We began the day at Lawson's Angus ranch this morning. It was yet another cold day full of drizzle but Mr. Lawson was kind enough to show us his herd and give us a valuable briefing of how his farm operates. Some background for this ranch was that he and his brother took over the ranch from their father right out of college roughly twenty years ago. They were lucky enough to see agriculture across the globe and made decisions with that information regarding how they wanted their ranch ran. Using many of the same concepts and genetics as the Gardiner Angus ranch that is local back home. I saw a huge change in the treatment of cattle here than in the states. The Lawson ranch is a very intensive ranch that utilizes the local rye grass and clover to grow out their cattle with a huge reliance on survival of the fittest. They put a greater stress on their cattle as calves by forcing them to compete with each other to get a true idea about how each of their genetics will play out instead of catering to the cattle that aren't performing up to par. They do have some advantages over most farms in the U.S. through a 90% A.I. conception rate with use of a higher quality GnRH and an animal-friendly endophyte grass that retains the insect resistance without the increase of grass tetany.
Lima Park's Hereford cattle
Next we visited the Lima Park Hereford ranch where I saw a very different perspective. Mr. McMillan has a mixed farm running around 3000 sheep and 500 head of cattle. He primarily sells his cattle and sheep to the European Union with wool going to China. His practice is strange compared to those common in the U.S. due to the fact that his average cow weight is around a ton and he does not retain heifers out of heifers. I did find it fascinating that he had a product called "Clik" that was used to eliminate fly strike in his ewes for the summer months. Tomorrow we visit both a sheep and emu operation so stay tuned for some fun facts about those species.

Friday, May 25, 2012

JBS and Webb Ranch

Day 3:

After our visit to the JBS Abattoir
Our first stop this morning was at the JBS Abattoir in the Brooklyn area of Melbourne. this was an amazing operation with great efficiency. Just to throw some numbers out there to gain a better understanding; they process around 5000 sheep and just under a thousand head of cattle daily. It takes roughly 30 minutes to process a beef carcass before chilling for 24 hours and an additional 30 minutes to process and package to the point where it is ready to ship to the retailer (Coles being the major supermarket is the most focused on). They employ roughly 1200 employees to operate this facility; each being a 14% increase in cost of production. Although they do not have the same products as sold in the United States, they are opening new segments such as per-seasoned and pre-cooked beef and lamb to their customers here in Australia. The major difference I saw between the two countries were their primary focuses. While in the United States we focus on quality and yield grade and the natural and hormone free beef is purely a niche market and lamb only consuming a small portion of the market, Australian beef and lamb is HGP (hormone growth promotant) free due to the demand from their customers and has a great emphasis on natural grass fed beef and lamb. The last difference I observed was the high demand from Coles for bone and offal used in many popular dishes here in Australia.
The Webb ranch on a rainy day

 Later we ventured to the Webb Black Simmental ranch. Unfortunately it was raining so we did not get to view all of the roughly 1600 acres but we did get to see the sale ring and catch pens and I must say they were VERY nice. We had a good discussion with the Webb brothers regarding the introduction of the Simmental breed to Australia and the operation itself. All in all I was impressed with the organization and boldness to be one of the first large Simmental breeders in Australia and wish them the best of luck.

Victorian D.P.I. And the Carlton United Brewery

Day 2:

Victorian Department of Primary Industries
A few group members stuck inside the brewery
We started the day off with a visit to the Victorian Department of Primary Industries and got several extensive lectures regarding the animal identification system used here to track where to and from the meat is transferred throughout Australia. There are a few ways to do so but they all follow the same concept. Each and every animal is given an identification number that includes the origin of the animal and their individual number. In one system they use electronic ear tags and a wand or stationary reader to record the animal at each location. They have furthermore created a system to link all of the systems used so each location that the animal is tracked at is given all information available on the animal. After leaving the department our bus driver Richie took us on a lovely tour of the city. We were fortunate enough to see marvelous architecture and the rugby and soccer stadiums where some of the national tournaments are played. We continued on and stopped at the Shrine of Remembrance where they honor those fallen in the Korean War. We also stopped and toured such monuments as the Botanical Gardens, The home of Captain Cook, and the St. Patrick's Cathedral. After taking countless pictures we left to visit the Carlton United Brewery where such beers as the Carlton Draught, Foster's, and Crown Lager are made. I learned from our tour guide that they distribute around 2 million liters of beer annually and that they can make several thousand cans and bottles of beer a minute. A fact I found fascinating was that with the massive amounts of alcohol pushed out daily, it takes Australians only 3 to 5 days to consume 100% of the beer that requires 3 to 4 weeks to brew. Lastly I would like to give a special thank you to Geneveve who rescued us when we were locked in the brewery and provided us with complimentary beverages before concluding our visit.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary

Day 1:

A koala bear in the Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary
A statue of "Banjo" the eagle
After a 16 hour flight in a broken chair over the Pacific, I finally arrived in Australia. Landing in the growing city of Melbourne, we went directly from the airport to grab a snack at the local McDondald's. Although the restaurant was the same as in the states, we did have our first moment as true tourists when we spotted a parrot perched in a tree in the parking lot. From there we left to visit the Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary. I didn't manage to capture a kangaroo or koala bear (sorry all those who were relying on me) but I did get a good look into the local wildlife and history of the area. Sitting just inside the entrance was a remarkable statue of an eagle. The story behind the statue was created by the Aboriginals to tell of the creation of Australia. Following the fall of a great star toward Earth, the eagle "Banjo" was born. Banjo first created land, then realizing the need created water. He then formed a rainbow that shattered and led to the existence of parrots (explaining their various and vibrant colors). I was lucky enough to catch the "Birds of Prey" show put on by a couple of the zoo employees. They displayed the fascinating abilities of the birds to mimic, hunt, and even follow several instructions without a second command. The zoo had a display of the top 10 deadliest snakes in Australia (behind a secure piece of plexiglas). They also had three Dingos that I learned an descendants of the Asian wolf. But the most important tidbit I brought away from my trip was that we can all work to save these endangered species by following the instructions of Captain Crapman and "Wipe for Wildlife: Buy Recycled Toilet Paper", but keep in mind that the first step is the hardest: change.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Australia in a Nutshell

Australia is a country that provides many unique and diverse gems that can only be seen here. So for several reasons, I am extremely excited for my visit to the continent across the Pacific. I am fortunate to be taken on an exploration through Kansas State University’s study abroad program and will be visiting the cities of Melbourne, Victorian, Wagga Wagga, and Sydney to name a few. I am most excited to visit Sydney and the Great Barrier Reef, but will be exposed to the variation in agriculture by visiting several other locations scattered throughout Australia. In order to prepare myself for the trip, my classmates and I have done research to prepare ourselves for the quest.
 The geography of Australia is distinctive by being the only country that is also an entire continent. Furthermore, it is the flattest and driest continent, preceded only by Antarctica. A few things I found interesting about the Australian government is that it is illegal to walk on the right-hand side of the pavement and also illegal to give name to an animal intended for slaughter. The currency of Australia also had a peculiar beginning. The holey dollar and the dump were developed to ensure the coins did not return to Spain by separating the coin into an inner and outer part. The culture of Australia was mirrored off its English settlers, making rugby a favorite in Australia, and Christianity the primary religion, which replaced the “Dreamtime” spiritual concept developed by the Aboriginals.

A well-known feature of Australia, the Great Barrier Reef, is also known as the Blue Outback and spans a length greater that the Wall of China. On land is the Rainforest of Northern Queensland. With only two definite seasons, the “green” and the “dry” seasons, it is one-of-a-kind. Additionally, it contains the largest mountain in Australia, Mt. Bartle which stands over a mile tall.

Mount Bartle of the Rainforest of Northern Queensland

Almost all of the farms in Australia are family-owned, each feeding approximately 600 people. 61% of its vast land mass is occupied by farm ground that produces crops similar to the United States with a greater focus recently placed on their nut production. Australia is currently the second largest beef exporter worldwide, with beef contributing 18% to farm values and sheep accounting for 25%. Following many mergers with existing feedlots, Cargill and JBS are well-established in Australia. The primary difference between the Australian locations and others worldwide is the 93 page document of environmental restrictions to abide by.

Although sale yards and livestock sales are similar to those in the U.S., the Wagga Wagga Livestock Market utilizes a system where the auctioneers and buyers are located in an arena above the cattle instead of at eye level. Several breeds such as Angus, Herefords, Shorthorns, and Simmentals have made their name in Australia, along with the popular sheep breeds, the Merino and the Suffolk. The Emu, a bird that is scarcely popular worldwide, is also a significant part of Australian agriculture.